JLS Repair Kits
Since the early 80s, music educators have associated the name Valentino with the quick and easy repair of many wind instrument problems. Valentino…
Since the early 80s, music educators have associated the name Valentino with the quick and easy repair of many wind instrument problems. Valentino Kits have saved countless musical performances and eliminated lost rehearsal time, and have become a valuable resource for many band directors.
Upon his retirement in 2004, Pete Valentino chose to sell his company to longtime friend and respected craftsman Jeff Smith, owner of J.L. Smith. Under Jeff’s guidance, the Valentino Director’s Fix Kit series has been enhanced to serve an even broader range of band room needs, and features advanced tool designs and supplies, along with a complete instruction manual, to ensure quick and easy repairs. The Valentino name continues its global growth, and Pete’s legacy is in hands that share his commitment and enthusiasm.
“We won’t go on a band trip without your wonderful kit.
Thanks for a great product.”